Do you want to find groups and support in the community that might help you improve your health and wellbeing? You can find lots of local support from charities to social groups in the Arc Bucks PCN Directory.
Marlow Medical Group is based at Victoria Road in Marlow with branch surgeries in Lane End and Hambleden. The practice serves approximately 27,500 residents within our catchment area.
Our multidisciplinary practice team includes GPs, GP trainees, hospital doctors in training, Women’s Health Specialist GPs, Nurse prescribers, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Health Care Assistants, Community Paramedics, Prescribing Pharmacists and First Contact Musculoskeletal Practitioners. The clinical team are enabled by our colleagues in reception, our large administration team and the practice management team. We also host clinics run by Community midwives and the Oxford Mental Health’s long term condition psychological support service.
Opening Hours
Marlow and Lane End: 8.00am-6.30pm Monday to Friday.
Hambleden Monday to Thursday 08:30 – 16:00 pm.
Plus, ad-hoc extended hours appointments during the week and Saturday morning.
The practice provides a comprehensive list of services described in our practice booklet:
The practice runs daily Rapid Access Clinics where we see patients presenting with symptoms which can’t wait to be seen routinely.
As part of the Arc Primary Care Network our residents are further supported by a Community Paramedic, Social Prescribers, Care Co-ordinators, Pharmacists, Musculoskeletal Practitioners and a Health and Wellbeing Coach. In addition, the Marlow Access team (MAT) is a specialized team made up of practice and Primary Care Network staff who care for patients with more complex conditions and needs such as hospital discharge or end of life care. They are well connected to the various community services such as District Nurses and Occupational Health as well as local voluntary services and can add valuable extra support at times of need. There are dedicated doctors assigned to the Marlow Access team who support this work.