Do you want to find groups and support in the community that might help you improve your health and wellbeing? You can find lots of local support from charities to social groups in the Arc Bucks PCN Directory.
From the 1 October 2022, our Primary Care Network has been providing ‘Enhanced Access’ services, with the goal to provide patients with more access to a variety of primary care services. This is in line with all GP surgeries across Buckinghamshire.
This means you can now book an appointment in a practice local to you:
Arc Bucks PCN has sought the views of local patients about what and how additional hours could best provide the services they need and we will continue to listen to feedback to make sure we are getting things right.
The services that are available during these extra hours include:
You will be able to see or speak to a number of clinicians, including nurses, pharmacists and social prescribers. You may be offered one of these options when you contact us about an appointment.