Do you want to find groups and support in the community that might help you improve your health and wellbeing? You can find lots of local support from charities to social groups in the Arc Bucks PCN Directory.
Falls are a major cause of harm and can have devastating effects for people often leading to hospitalisation, disability, loss of independence, long-term deterioration in health and wellbeing, and sometimes death. People aged 65 and older are at a higher risk of falling, with 30% of people older than 65 and 50% of people older than 80 falling at least once a year (NICE, 2015).
To promote a culture of falls awareness, management and prevention, our health and wellbeing coaches now deliver falls prevention assessments within our GP surgeries.
What happens during a falls prevention appointment?
Within these 30 minute appointments, patients will have basic metrics measured and their Falls Risk score calculated using Quantitative Timed Up and Go (QTUG) technology. Based on this score, patients will be signposted to either local exercise groups (see below), online resources for strength and balance exercises (see below), or to musculoskeletal services.
Patients will be invited by their GP surgery if they are eligible for an appointment.
Chair-based exercise classes
Tai Chi classes (via Sport in Mind)
Online exercise resources
There are a number of videos you can follow along to online if you are unable to attend a class in person. Below are some examples:
For a comprehensive guide to reducing your risk of falls, take a look at this leaflet from Public Health England and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.